Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Worshiping Without a Noticeable Altar

Since I’m following this as a journey, and a better understanding of who I am as a Hellenist, I’ve decided to focus an entire month without having a noticeable altar. The only thing that I’m going to have is a candle for Hestia, a container that I’ll pour water into, and a incense burner. I’m doing this because I feel that I’ve fallen into this trap of wanting, and needing, a large altar. I spend so much money to have one that I’ve come to realize that I’m focus more on having a pretty altar than on my spiritual practices.
It’s also a way of helping me focus on the gods and less on myself. It also prevents people from touching things or to make assumptions about who I am as a person. I love altars, don’t get me wrong, but I feel that the spiritual side is forgotten when you have these altars. To me having a large altar just means that your collecting things and not having an actual practice.
I know that there will be those that will frown at that comment, but that’s what I believe. So no altar for a full month, starting today. No statues, just the candle, incense burner, and cup for water that’s being poured into it. And, every Wednesday, I’ll talk about what it’s like not to have a altar, just a surface to burn incense and pour libations. Wish me luck.

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