Tuesday, June 14, 2016


So I checked all the topics that I've covered and this one hasn't been done. So lets talk about offerings to the gods. In the past offerings were based on what kind of god you were honoring, if it was a festival, and where the altar/shrine was located. The most prime example was Zeus at Olympus. His altar was actually the ashes of sacrificed animals and he got a lot of them. Since it's been discovered that Priests of Hecate, or followers of Hecate, didn't eat meat then grains was most likely given or vegetables.

Thankfully we don't have to give animal sacrifice to the gods. Times have changed and we don't feel the need to do it. However what do we give the gods if we can't give animals? Well I give them what I'm having for breakfast and I give any gods that didn't normal get meat offerings grain. Like barley for example.

Note: I got a new thing of Barley and a container to hold it, made of glass. Take that you mouse.

Another thing that I've noticed is that, during the Full Moon, Hecate receives sweets. So I go out and make sure that I buy some candy. I give grape juice to the gods along with water, milk, and different other liquid offerings. But the most important offering that I give is my time. Time to honor the gods and time to spend time with them.

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