Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sacrifices to Leto, Pythian Apollo, Zeus, Hermes, Discori

This is one of those holidays that have multiple deities to them. Tonight we honor Leto, Pythian Apollo, Zeus, Hermes, and the Discori. So I'm going to break down each deity and give info. Now most know this information, but I just wanted to add it.


Leto is the mother of Artemis and Apollo. She was cursed by Hera to never find a place to give birth. This is one of the many times that Hera has been furious over her husband's desire to have as many lovers as possible. Finally the island of Delos allowed her to land and give birth. We honor Leto and give her thanks.

Pythian Apollo is just a title for the god Apollo. I believe that he has this title is due to him killing the Python. So he goes by the title Pythian and his added name, Apollo. Some modern pagans do not like the story of Apollo killing the Python as they believe that Apollo wanted the power that was present and the Python was connected to Gaia. No matter, we honor him as the slayer of the Python.


Zeus is King of the Gods and one of my personal favorites. We honor Zeus on this day and give him thanks. I don't know how many festivals Zeus has but he probably had more than the others.


Hermes is messenger of the gods and guides souls to the underworld. He can walk between the worlds, which might seem New Age but if you know his responsibilities then it's not. He stole the cattle form Apollo, who forgave him. Hermes gave Apollo his lyre and Apollo gave him his sheep.

The Dioskouri

Castor and Pollux are twin brothers, even though Pollux is the son of Zeus and Castor is of a mortal father. When Castor died Pollux asked Zeus if his brother could share his immortality. They became the constellation of Gemini. This festival is perfect to honor the bound between twin brothers, or brothers in general.

I hope that you all have a good one and gods bless.

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