Friday, September 26, 2014

Agathos Daemon (September 2014) and my plans for October

Tonight will be honoring Agathos Daemon, the good god. He's sometimes depicted as a snake and it's not uncommon to see someone that practices Hellenism to have a framed photo of a snake. Now if I've mentioned this stuff before then I'm sorry and I won't be repeating myself next month. I don't have a framed photo of Agathos Daemon, but I'm going to change that next month. Honoring the Agathos Daemon is the last observance connected to Hecate.

Another thing that I'm planning on doing next month, regular calendar, is to buy my Ares mini statue. His libation is in November but is claiming nearly a month before I can see him. I'm not about to buy two statues and I can't 'use' Poseidon until after his libation. And I'm talking about his statue not what others might get from that line. I do have a photo of him so I'll be using that instead.

I'm also getting Benzoin in since the kind of incense that some of the gods take is too expensive and I'm pretty sure that the gods don't want me to spend a ton of money. I'm picking up a prayer book written by The Temple of the Greek Gods and a blank book. The reason that I'm buying a blank book is that Chris recommended that we start writing down our hymns and prayers. It's not like a Book of Shadows, it's a record of our religion and not of our spells. As I said before we need to keep a written record of our religion in the modern text before it's taken from us.

I hope that you all have a good one and I'll see you tomorrow.

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