Friday, April 10, 2015

Found something New

So I was on Facebook and I found a page that I thought was really interesting and has led me to do a blog post. Hellenismos Israel has a page and I was surprised to find that Hellenism has returned to Israel. I had heard about Hellenism being in Israel through the two banned books of the Bible, the first and second book of the Maccabees. I'm guessing that it was banned, though some denominations do read the first book, because of its intense violence. Or maybe because they were being jerks that day.

Anyway, we know that there was practicing Hellenism in Israel. And to see it coming back is wonderful. In-fact the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was once a Temple to Venus (Aphrodite) and I still view the site as being a holy site to Venus, even if it's been polluted by Catholics. Another interesting thing happened a couple of years ago. A hole was found in the mountains in Israel and inside this hole was several in-tact Venus statues.

Now I don't know if one of them was the cult statue of Venus, but it was a very interesting find. It was clearly stated by an Archeologist that this is clear evidence of revolt, to give it better word, against the rise of Christianity and the destruction of the statues of the gods. Personally it's one thing to read about it, but to see proof, is something else. I wish them all the luck in practicing their religion in Israel.

I know that it most likely will be better than in other parts of what use to be the Hellenistic world, but their still in a Monotheistic country and a very violent one at that. May they be protected and may they be watched over.

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