Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Election Day

Today is Election Day, the day that we go and vote for people that we really hope, and pray, will represent us and not the rich. Electing someone to an office is the byproduct of Athenian democracy. And while our democracy is different than theirs (we elect women and we consider everyone, minus those that are coming into their country illegally, citizens) it's also different in another way.

In ancient Athens everyone came to discuss things that were important to the function of society. Now we have to watch as others tell us what laws they want to pass, even if we don't like them. The only voice that we have is at the poll and not in the daily activity of the government. We have to hope and pray that their decisions don't harm the society as a whole. The democracy of today also has the power to overturn laws that the people have passed.

We have a constitution and a Bill of Rights. But those rights are expanded upon, even if the people don't want those expanded on. We have Freedom of Religion, something that the Athenians would really appreciate, and we have Freedom of Speech. Sometimes, I'm thinking, that most would wish that we had some control over speech. If someone harms society, like an elected official, we can't vote, as the people, to kick him out. We have to have others to decide when enough is enough. We have bad mayors, corrupt people that get in using money, and many other things that the ancient Athenians wouldn't of liked.

So in many ways our society is better, but in some, it's not. So I hope that all Hellenist get out there and vote and kick those out that we don't like, or we believe is making our state look bad. Hope your vote counts.

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