Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Athenian Month of Hekatombaion Begins

At sundown we entered the Athenian month of Hekatombaion. This is the first Hellenic month of the new year and a new start for everyone. So I'm including all the Hellenic holiday's, once again, so that readers can follow. Have a good month and may the gods bless you.

July 5: Nourmia
July 6: Agathos Daemon
July 7: Honoring Athena
July 8: Honoring Aphrodite, Hermes, Heracles, Eros
July 9: (During the day) Libations to Athena
July 10: Honoring Artemis
July 11: Honoring Apollo
July 12: Honoring Poseidon and Theseus
July 16: Kronia
July 19: Full Moon (Honoring Hecate, Selene, and Artemis)
July 20: Sunoikia
July 27-August 3: Panthenaia
August 1: Athena's Birth
August 2: Hena Kai Nea (New Moon, Honoring Hecate)

Have a good month.

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