Sorry about this being a late post. I've just been so busy with things. The second of this month was the beginning of the Athenian month of Metageitnion. Here is the holy days and festivals for those that might not know.
August 3: Nourmia
August 4: Agathos Daemon
August 5: Honoring Athena
August 6: Honoring Aphrodite, Hermes, Heracles, Eros
August 8: Honoring Artemis
August 9: Honoring Apollon
August 10: Honoring Poseidon and Theseus
August 13: (Daylight) Libations to Hermes
August 17-20: Eleusinia: This is a four day celebration of games held every four years on the second year of the Olympiad.
August 18: Full Moon (Honoring Hecate, Selene, and Artemis) and Sacrifices to Kourotrophos, Hecate, and Artemis
August 21: Sacrifices to the Heroines.
August 22: Sacrifices to Hera Thelkhinia
August 27: Sacrifices to Zeus Epoptes.
September 1: Hena Kai Nea
Have a good month.
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