Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Solstice, Full Moon, and Demeter Arriving

So yesterday was the Summer Solstice. I know that Hellenists in Greece honor the Titan Prometheus on the first day of summer. The documentary 'I Still Worship Zeus' showed that. I think that honoring Prometheus is fitting. As for me I didn't celebrate the Summer Solstice yesterday. I got suckered into adopting a kitten that is a pure monster. Lol! I also didn't observe the Full Moon as said monster made me tired.

Yes, she's a nightmare in itself. Lol! However yesterday my Demeter statue arrived from Greece. I really love how there's detail on this statue. At least I think there's detail.

I hope that you all had a good Summer Solstice, Full Moon, and that the gods continue to bless you through the remaining of this month.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

My Apollo Bust Came In

My Apollo bust came in, which I'm so excited about. This was from Greece, as well, and came in one piece. So I'm going to show you all what it looks like and the postcard that was included.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

GreekReporter.com Article

So I saw this article about two days ago and I'm going to say this; 'what the heck did I just read?' The article was about the Greeks coming back to their roots. What the article ended up being is a piece that claims something when it's not what it claims to be. First of all their called temples, not 'churches.' Churches is a Christian term. Another thing is why would Hellenist smear waste products on icons? I don't really get that.

And, yes, churches were built on sites where the gods had been worshiped. Sometimes those temples were turned into churches. I wish that journalism was getting better but it's only getting worst. And the amount of articles that I've seen, including the one that I mentioned about the Orlando shooting and how anti-LGBT people are somehow cold blooded murderers and all that is another example. Keep things classy, or, at least, accurate, stop posting nonsense, and get your facts straight.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


So I checked all the topics that I've covered and this one hasn't been done. So lets talk about offerings to the gods. In the past offerings were based on what kind of god you were honoring, if it was a festival, and where the altar/shrine was located. The most prime example was Zeus at Olympus. His altar was actually the ashes of sacrificed animals and he got a lot of them. Since it's been discovered that Priests of Hecate, or followers of Hecate, didn't eat meat then grains was most likely given or vegetables.

Thankfully we don't have to give animal sacrifice to the gods. Times have changed and we don't feel the need to do it. However what do we give the gods if we can't give animals? Well I give them what I'm having for breakfast and I give any gods that didn't normal get meat offerings grain. Like barley for example.

Note: I got a new thing of Barley and a container to hold it, made of glass. Take that you mouse.

Another thing that I've noticed is that, during the Full Moon, Hecate receives sweets. So I go out and make sure that I buy some candy. I give grape juice to the gods along with water, milk, and different other liquid offerings. But the most important offering that I give is my time. Time to honor the gods and time to spend time with them.

Monday, June 13, 2016

My Hermes Came In

Well time to get back to the Hellenist things and that includes the delivery of my Hermes mini statue. I'll post the video so that you can see. And, yes, my hair doesn't look good.

How One Man can Put Religion in a Bad Light

Yesterday a evil, vile, man walked into a gay nightclub and open fired on those inside, killing 50 and injuring dozens more. The number has most likely gone up as I write this. His retarded father claims that it was due to him seeing two men kissing. I don't believe that for one moment. What I believe is that he was raised to believe something and he followed through with what he believed.

The reason that I've titled this blog 'How One Man can Put Religion in a Bad Light' is because those that follow radical forms of religion can hurt it for those that don't. He was radicalized and he hated those that were different. And, of course, the backlash has now hit the fan. A article came out stating that everyone that doesn't support the LGBT community has blood on their hands. The blood of those that died.

That their murderers and treating them as though they were there, with a gun. All this is going to do is make people hate gays because this writer just had to put the blame on anti-gay supporters and not on the person that actually pulled the trigger. The blame game has got to stop or nothing will be done. Now I will admit that some of the anti-gay supporters make me sick and makes me glad that I'm no longer a Christian. They scream at the top of their lungs while doing all sorts of horrible things and believing that their holy.  However the writer ignores the fact that IS and those that support them do target Christians along with gays, bisexuals, transgenders, members of other tribes, and those that can't stand them.

There are mass graves of Christians, and others, that have been discovered. When I told my mother about those out there that support what the shooter did she made it very clear that no one has the right to any form of judgement and that they better be careful. Because there are other lone wolves out there and they will target malls, movie theaters, and many other places. So don't think that what this man did was great. Of course Muslims aren't the only ones that have to put up with this nonsense.

Last year three men, who claimed to be followers of Asatru, tried to shoot up black churches and burn down Jewish houses of worship. Heathens had to put up with another wave of people thinking that just because you wear Thor's hammer that you want to kill black people. We have to fight against evil in all forms and we can't just blame people because they don't support another group of people. In-fact there are people out there that have put aside their personal belief to help those that are affected. And I think that is the greatest thing ever.

When you see lines of people wanting to donate blood and that includes Christians and Muslims then maybe, just maybe, there's hope in this world.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sacrifices to Kourotrophus, Athena Polias, Aglaurus, Zeus Polieus, Poseidon

So I checked all the posts that I made in the nearly three years that I've had this blog and I noticed that I didn't do a blog post for these festivals. So tonight we will be honoring the Kourotrophus, which I've covered before. It's Hecate and the other two goddess that you see in the triple headed statues that are usually on Wiccan altars. We also honor Poseidon, Aglaurus, who jumped off a cliff, this is the daughter of the mother that had the same name, for not heading the warning of the goddess Athena. Athena Polias, who's temple is known as the Erechtheion. and Zeus Polieus, who was the protector of the city.

Of course his temple hasn't been found.

So we honor them, along with our general offering to Athena, and we pour libation, burn incense, and give offerings. I hope that you all have a good one and may the gods bless you. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Athenian month of Skirophorion Begins (2016)

Tonight, at sundown, starts the last month of the Athenian year, Skirophorion. This has been a very interesting year and I'm glad that it's ending. So here are the holidays and festivals.

June 5: Nourmia
June 6: Agathos Daemon
June 7: Honoring Athena and Sacrifices to Kourotrophus, Athena Polias, Aglaurus, Zeus Polieus, and Poseidon.
June 8: Honoring Eros, Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite
June 10: Honoring Artemis
June 11: Honoring Apollo/Libations to Zeus.
June 12: Honoring Poseidon and Theseus
June 16: Skira
June 18: Bouphonia
June 20: Full Moon (Honoring Hecate, Selene, and Artemis)
July 4: New Moon: Hena Kai Nea (Honoring Hecate)

Have a good month.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hena Kai Nea (June 2016)

Once again the New Moon is upon us and it's time to honor Hecate and clean our homes up. Since I'm still recovering from shopping I will be making my ritual a short one. And this blog as well. I hope that you all will have a good New Moon and may Hecate bless all of you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My Hellenic Altar for June

So I'm getting this out for the month of June. My completed June altar. The only thing that's changing is the Athena mini statue that I have on there. I was doing my ritual to her last night.

Attack of Mice

So this is going to be a short blog post as I have a busy day and don't have much time to really do anything that's not what has to be done today. I use to have barley, use to use it for offerings. Well, guess what? A little thing called a mouse discovered that I had barley and decided to eat through the bag and get into it. I'm going to get a tiny metal box on the third, along with two Greek mini statues, and I'm going to buy a new bag of barley and keep it in there.

And, yes, I've seen the little replica of Steward Little. And guess what, he isn't cute! And the freaky part, he looks right at me with those greedy little eyes and that twitchy little nose, saying, "I'm coming for your barley." I had to throw the whole bag out and I haven't even attempted to buy another bag. He's going to get his someday, I swear he will.